Capcom shareholders have opened the company up to a possible takeover...
Today at a investors meeting over at Capcom, it was announced that shareholders voted to take down the companies “takeover defense”. In doing this, Capcom has been left open to a possible take over. This simply means that if a company were to buy a large amount / the majority of Capcom’s shares, they would acquire Capcom and all of it’s assets.
But, what does this mean for you, the gamers?
It really all depends. It is entirely possible that Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo could acquire Capcom. And, if say, Microsoft bought out Capcom, then it’s fairly likely that all Capcom games would become an Xbox exclusive. But, as of now, no one has anything to worry or celebrate about. It is simply worth noting that Capcom can be bought out, and acquired by a new publisher or company. For now, though, no one has bought out Capcom, and many look forward to the release of Dead Rising 3 for PC, as well as those enjoying Dead Rising 3 and all it’s DLC on Xbox One.
But, what do you guys think? Would you like a publisher to pick up Capcom? Who and why? And what do you think will most likely happen? Leave your thoughts and reactions below in the comments! And stay tuned to YGN for all of your gaming news.
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