Upcoming Mortal Kombat X: Set To Release New Fighters at E3

The E3 is tomorrow, what are you hoping for?

Mortal Kombat X is set to reveal at least part of its roster at E3, including two brand new fighters.

The news comes courtesy of franchise creator Ed Boon on Twitter, who responded to a fan asking if we'd see any new participants in the upcoming game to say "Yes! Two of my new favourites will be at E3!"

Boon also promised we'd get some idea of the title's plot, which is apparently both a continuation of the story begun in MK9 as well as being entirely original, and will finally see some gameplay at E3.

The upcoming fighter, which was announced earlier last week, is due out sometime next year on...
PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

For much, much more on Mortal Kombat X, be sure to stay with YGN for the E3... oh! and be sure to tell me which fighters you'd like to see return... it'll be epic!
