EA promises "whole new level of visuals" for this year's installment...

Ahead of FIFA 15's release this September, EA Sports today released a new video that talks up the ways in which the soccer simulator will offer a "whole new level of visuals." The game runs on EA's proprietary Ignite game engine, the same technology behind EA Sports UFC.

EA calls out in the video that character models are going to be authentic this time around; the video even shows an eerily accurate render of US striker Clint Dempsey. This is possible thanks in part to an overhauled lighting system that should make players look more believable, EA Sports says.

FIFA 15 also features new character models and body rigging, which EA Sports says will make players feel "powerful and effective." On top of that, the game will offer visible breathing (you'll see a player's chest pulse as he breathes), as well as hair movement. Now that's pretty awesome!...continue to read

In addition, the jerseys you wear in FIFA 15 will become dirty with mud and grass as matches unfold, and cleats and slide tackles will now leave marks on the field.

"From the most realistic players ever created in a FIFA title to fully realized arenas with living pitches, this year we've brought a whole new level of visuals to the game," senior producer Nick Channon says in the video, going on to tease that "incredible visuals are only one part of the FIFA 15 story."

The video you see above was captured on work-in-progress versions of FIFA 15 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. It remains to be seen if these new features will also be available on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of FIFA 15.

FIFA 15 launches September 23 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, and PC.

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Anonymous said…
The game is going to be a great one..