Teaser | Avatar: The Legend of Korra | Coming to PS4 & PS3 this year

Revealed just yesterday, The Legend of Korra is coming to PS4 and PS3 this year.

PlatinumGames creators of (Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance) have announced the coming of "The Legend of Korra".
The team has spent years meticulously crafting combat systems that marry style and substance into a visual beauty of fast, addictive action. And with Platinum’s knowledge of martial arts choreography, I'd say Korra is definitely in the right hands.

And as we all know, Platinum-developed action games would be incomplete without a few juicy RPG elements, right? Indeed, it's been revealed that Korra will be able to slowly level up each bending art to allow for more devastating abilities, from summoning whirlwinds to knocking boulders into the air. Special finishing techniques will also be purchasable from the in-game shop, which means gamers get a little loot spice for flavor.
Of course, Platinum has worked closely with the creators of the series in order to present a spectacular Avatar experience. One of the show’s lead writers helped script the story, and the actors behind Korra and the gang have returned to lend their voices to the characters. Platinum even went so far as to study martial arts reference material in order to best showcase the beauty and power behind bending.

Lastly, Platinum put the icing on the cake and confirmed that a pro-bending mode (The tournament held in the series) has been fully recreated in The Legend of Korra, including the actual rules from the show.Ryan Clements, Playstation Social Media Specialist further said:

"The Legend of Korra arrives on PS4 and PS3 this Fall, and will also feature a few surprises that “scream” PlatinumGames. Whatever that means, it’s probably amazing."

So guys, keep it locked here on YGN for more game updates & announcements, and remember to leave your comments/questions below.
