Very, Very Classy Introduction To The Xbox Conference from Microsoft : Kick-off E32014 with COD:Advanced Warfare!

Woah! They actually made me watch the first 25mins of their E3 conference... Which i never would have dreamt of.

Microsoft just concluded their #E32014 conference and I'll start-off with...

E3 2014 - Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gameplay Trailer 
I still can't believe I spent over 10 minutes on Microsoft's Xbox E3 conference (big deal! I'm not a huge fan of Xbox). Obviously this was caused by "Activision's Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare" for Xbox One. The juicy trailer showed off some jaw-dropping features like the new Hover boots, Targeting grenades, deafening & intense sound effects, great tech & captivating graphics. This is clearly a sign that we can rejoice about the PS4's version.

Stay connected to Your gaming Network for more mouth-watering news & updates of the #E32014 and let's hear what you have to say in the comments below. 
